Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why is BPD so Stigmatized?

Why is BPD so Stigmatized?

People with BPD are currently the most stigmatized in the mental health system. A number of myths contribute to this problem including:

1. MYTH: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a permanent condition that cannot be treated or improve.

FACT: Research shows that people with BPD can recover with effective treatment. Recent reports state that up to 88% of people with the disorder experience significant improvement over time.

2. MYTH: People with Borderline Personality Disorder are attention seeking and manipulative.

FACT: The phrases "attention seeking" and "manipulative" imply that conscious and deliberate thought and planning is involved but most BPD behavior is not a deliberate attempt to manipulate people or get attention. It is an attempt to get needs met.

3. MYTH: People with BPD have a flawed personality.

FACT: BPD is caused by a combination of environmental and neuro-biological causes, not a personality flaw.

4. MYTH: People with Borderline Personality Disorder are dangerous to others.

FACT: People with BPD are usually self-destructive rather than a danger to others. They have high suicide rates and frequently self-harm themselves (without lethal intent).

5.MYTH: The term “Borderline Personality Disorder” is based on up-to-date research reflecting the true nature of the disorder.

FACT: The term “borderline” was developed in the early 1900’s when psychoanalysts realized that BPD did not fit into their oversimplified way of categorizing mental illness – either as neurotic or psychotic. BPD was thought to be on the “borderline”. There is currently a move to have the name changed to something similar to Emotional Processing Disorder in the next edition of the DSM.


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